Friday, November 7, 2008

So much time and so little to do.

Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.

I didn´t think it was possible, but it is finally the weekend and I am still alive! Hopefully I can continue in this fashion until December.

This week has just been way too much. On Wednesday, we took a two hour drive up north to Chinandega to visit their branch of Fundación Xochiquetzal and so that I could meet with someone from the Association of Nicaraguans that live with HIV/AIDS (ASONVIHSIDA). I was really nervous for the meeting, and the recording I have proves it - I laughed nervously before I asked questions, and everything I said was in absolutely incoherent Spanish. Great. Also, considering it was my first real meeting, I had no clue what I should ask, and it didn´t really help when Patricia was walking around us taking pictures of me and interjecting with the questions she thought I should be asking. Only twenty minutes later (I really need to get more comfortable with this interview stuff!) we went back to Xochiquetzal, where I helped Patricia compile her monthly summary of consults in her incredibly inefficient manner (ahhh, the pains of data entry!). Next, we went for a slightly revolting lunch at the Tip Top Express, Nicaragua´s biggest fast food chain. For the rest of the day, I watched an FSLN caravan in the streets while trying to transcribe my interview, and finally at 4:30PM we began the two and a half hour return journey during which we almost got trampled by another political caravan coming down the highway. What a day.

Yesterday was just as stressful - I went to ANICP+VIDA to talk to their president, and he spent three hours explaining the history of HIV and support in Nicaragua, but after about one hour, my brain had already turned into thank goodness I was recording it. As I was leaving, he invited me to the support group that they were having that afternoon, so I went back to Xochiquetzal where I waited for Patricia for an hour, then went back to ANICP+VIDA for the support group. The group itself was actually pretty awesome - there were about ten people there from all over the spectrum: women, families, drug users, men who have sex with men, homosexuals, and others who all come together twice a month to talk about living with HIV, the one thing they all have in common. I really wish that my brain wasn´t as mushy by that point because I probably would have gotten more out of it, but hopefully I will be able to visit them again for their next meeting on the 20th.

Finally, today I went to ASONVIHSIDA in Managua to talk to the Nicaraguan president of the International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS (ICW). I was really dreading another interview, but she was actually spectacular, gave me a lot of information (I recorded it, thank goodness) and invited me to the events they will be having for World AIDS Day on December 1st. I am so pumped!

And now? The weekend!! It isn´t going to be an easy one - on top of my research and the four hours of Spanish interviews to transcribe, Sunday is election day. We are currently living through the "Days of Silence" here in Nicaragua, which are the three days without any sort of campaigning prior to the elections. During this time, there is also something called the "Ley Seca" which prohibits alcohol consumption until Monday to prevent people from arriving at the voting centers completely wasted. My mamá will be working at the voting center close to the Máximo, so I will probably be spending my Sunday locked up with a family friend. Daniel Ortega firmly believes that Nicaragua doesn´t need the help of the United States or any other country with their elections, so this is probably the best idea to avoid any sort of craziness that could result from observing at a voting center. Monday is a national holiday as well as my niece´s 4th birthday, so I will be at home free from work all day until...her PIÑATA PARTY!! I know I am 20 years old, but that doesn´t mean I´m not allowed to get excited over kiddie birthday parties.

And, speaking of elections, hoorah for our new president! All of us huddled around in front of the small TV in the study center on Tuesday night, counting down the seconds until the west coast polls closed. Congratulations to Barack Obama and Joe Biden...hopefully the two of you will be able to make wonderful changes in our country and the world in the next four years.

As for Washington state, Christine Gregoire will be continuing as governor, but we are still waiting on the House Representative for my district (C´mon Darcy!!). Also, following the lead of Oregon, euthanasia is now legal in the WaWa. What an intense election!

That´s it for now...I hope everyone has a great weekend, and keep me updated on the news of your lives!


1 comment:

Lila said...

"arriving at the voting centers completely wasted" bahahaha.