Thursday, August 28, 2008

¡Estoy aquí!

Hello everyone!

I have arrived in Nicaragua! The people on the program with me seem great - there is even a girl from Sammamish, WA (for those of you who are not familiar with Washington´s suburban geography, that is about five miles from my house). There is also another Jewish student, so hopefully we will be able to research our options for the coming holidays.

We will be staying at a hotel in Managua called Casa San Juan for the next three days for orientation, and on Sunday we will meet our host mothers from Colonia Máximo Jerez. I am very excited, but also super nervous about communicating with my family. Regardless, I am already feeling pretty optimistic about this semester.

It is super hot and humid, and this morning I took my first cold shower of the trip which woke me in ways an alarm clock could never do; however, running water is a luxury here, and especially at my future homestays I will more often have the privilege of indulging in bucket showers...mmm.

Thanks for reading, hope everyone is having an incredible day, miss you all, and for those of you on your way back to Bates, good luck moving in!



Anonymous said...

Glad you made it there safely!

Dean said...

hooray! neecoragua! københavn det meget godt også (very good also...)

Anonymous said...

Nicole! I miss you like whoa. I'm in Spain and also have yet to meet/hear from/learn anything about my host family, and I am beyond being not okay with that. Stay safe, and just douse yourself with hot coffee when the cold showers get to be too much.

Tom said...

Argh, that was annoying. The above post is from me, I was just too stupid to stay signed-in.